What’s Going On In My Head?


What’s Going On In My Head?


Italian smalti, marble, stone - 30 x 30cm - 2019

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With mental illness you often have a skewed perception of yourself. Your days can be consumed by ideas swimming around in your head and your perception of reality is distorted. I used faceted glass to depict the broken thoughts and extreme chemistry that one has. The person, much like shattered glass, can’t go back to that person they used to be. The green hair depicts the manic mood swings ranging from depressive low to manic highs. The line down the middle illustrates the extremes of either depression or manic. Chemicals in your head are out of sync and the misinformed cast judgment calling that ‘crazy’. No one likes to be labelled. Like Picasso’s Weeping Women, the facial features are abstracted and the face is distorted.