Louise working on artwork for the exhibition, Corporeal Discards.


Artist’s Statement

As an emerging visual artist working in stone and assemblage, living with Disability from an acquired brain injury and mental illness, my art practice is both my voice and my mindfulness. 

I am committed to my daily art practice and work out of my studios at RMIT and River Studios, as part of my Masters (Art in Public Space).

In 2016 I commenced my first mosaic and reflected on powerful Gaudi images from my Barcelona travels in the early nineties.

I usually work with natural recycled stone such as marble, travertine, slate and limestone.  The individual marble tesserae resonate a powerful voice of mental health and wellness. The stone is cut and faceted to show the unexpected. I am unexpected! 17% of people live with a Disability - they are born with it; the rest acquire the Disability. A Disability occurs every 15 minutes. It has the potential to happen to anyone. We are everywhere!

My life is enriched by my assistance dogs, Penny and Frida.